I went to visit a spice plantation yesterday in Savoi, near Ponda. They only use organic compost and cow shit as fertilizer. A guy took me on a tour and showed me all this stuff.

Turmeric plant. The roots, similar to ginger, are made into powder.
La nuez moscada. Los filamentos que se ven en la foto tambien se venden y se usan para la comida (no me acuerdo como los llaman).

Nutmeg. The filaments are also used for cooking (don' t remember the name).
Otra vez el jackfruit. Me ensenyo unas cuantas frutas mas. Nada que no conociera.
Jackfruit, again. I have seen loads from the road. Really like the sight of these huge trees.
Pimienta. Black pepper.

Jackfruit, again. I have seen loads from the road. Really like the sight of these huge trees.
The plant that gives cardamom seeds.

The cinnamon tree. The leaves taste exactly like the bark and are used to give taste to indian dishes.
La hoja de una palmera, de la cual hablare por otra razon. Super dura y resistente, se usa para hacer bolsos & other cosas.

Betel nut palm leave that was traditionally used to make bags & lots of other stuff.
Excellent report!