Esta noche casi no he pegado ojo; se ha celebrado un bodorrio justo debajo de mi hotel con el correspondiente alboroto. Se veía venir; llevaban preparando todo el montaje desde el día anterior: alfombras, banquetas, ollas de dimensiones gigantes para preparar guisos variados.... Cuando lo vi inminente, estuve a punto de irme a otro hotel para pasar la noche pero al final decidi unirme al enemigo en "misión reportaje". Entré en el "recinto ferial" y me planté entre la muchedumbre. Enseguida vino un señor (el hermano de la madre de la novia), me dijo que era la bienvenida y que, porfavor, comiera. Le pregunté si podía sacar fotos y me dijo que "no problem". Era una familia de Rishikesh; parece que había unos 400 invitados, más un montón de gente de la calle que estaba aprovechando para ponerse las botas.
I barely had any sleep last night: there was this wedding celebration right under my hotel. They had been holding the preparations from the day before: carpets on the floor, chairs, huge saucepans to prepare different dishes..... For a moment, I thought of escaping and spending the night at another hotel away from there... but then I decided to join the enemy and take the opportunity to make a good report. So there I entered the party and very soon I was welcomed by a very nice man that was the brother of the bride´s mum. He asked me to take a sip of a coffee milk, please and then to go for food. This was a family from Rishikesh; apparently there were around 400 guests, plus a lot of people from the streets that were having a feast with the huge buffet on display.
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