Me he pegado un super viaje al interior del país con Lola . 8 horas de tren interselva, “el transgabonés”, 4 horas de 4x4 (6 h a la vuelta) por una carretera destrozada por los camiones madereros y 3 horas de piragua rio abajo (4h rio arriba) por el río Ivindo para llegar a las Cataratas de Kongou. Una incursion en el mismísimo paraíso, el útero de la tierra, el corazón de la selva centroafricana. Se trata de un complejo sistema de cataratas con varios niveles (ver videos anteriores). Estuvimos en un campamento situado en el primer nivel, Mekomba y en medio de la selva. Había una plataforma de madera estratégicamente situada con estas vistas y un sitio donde te podías bañar junto a los rápidos, “la bañera”. Esta plataforma se convirtió en nuestro centro de operaciones: baños purificadores, ofrendas al río, sesiones de yoga, contemplación, amaneceres y atardeceres.
Me and my friend Lola have just come back from super trip to Ivindo National Park. We had to spend 8 hours in the “transgabonais” train across the jungle, 4 hours by car on a terrible road and 3 hours in a pirogue down the river Ivindo to reach Kongou Waterfalls. A visit to the uterus of Mother Earth, the heart of centroafrican jungle, pure paradise, bliss! In fact, the Ivindo River forms several levels of waterfalls because of the rock formations underneath (see videos). We stayed at a rustic camp in the middle of the jungle, situated at the first level of waterfalls, called Mekomba. There was a platform right next to the camp that had spectacular views to the river and a "safe" place where you could have baths. The other three tourists that were staying at the camp would never go down to the platform so Lola and I had the place for ourselves and it inmediately became our "operations center": purificator baths, yoga sessions, contemplation, sunsets, sunrises, ofrends to the river.... I cannot explain how much I enjoyed that platform... I think I could have stayed there for an unlimited period of time.
A eso se le llama VIVIR, lo demás son detalles.