

El ojo del huracán

Somos como un maharajá que fuera dueño de extensiones ilimitadas de tierras y caminara a lo largo de la muralla que rodea sus palacios creyéndose un mendigo. Miramos a los maestros, imploramos su gracia, esperamos que los dioses nos ayuden...  y ellos nos miran sin comprender, ya que para ellos nosotros somos divinos, no nos falta nada, así que no pueden hacer nada por nosotros.

We are like a maharajah owning unlimited properties and richness, that walks along the wall of her palace begging for food and shelter. We look at the "Gurus", imploring their grace, wait for the "Gods" to help us... and they all look back at us without understanding... because they know we are divine and we have all we need.. so they can´t do anything to help us.

Lalita Devi, Cachemira

October Full Moon in Algorta

1 comentario:

  1. "People who look for a guru is because they don´t want to guru themselves" (Jonathan B.)
