Mañana estelar para celebrar la primera luna nueva del 2012. He salido a correr de madrugada y luego he bajado a la cala solitaria donde me he pegado un par de baños marinos intercalados con asoleamiento sobre rocas volcánicas.
Tangelo juice for breakfast... I cannot believe how juicy & sweet they are!! Went for a 45 minute run at dawn and then down to the rocky beach in Haumana. It was a blissful morning: bathing in cristal clear water and then laying down on the rocks naked in the morning sunshine.

Tras un buen desayuno, al jardín a desbrozar y plantar semillas, como corresponde con esta fase lunar.
I am now ready to go out and do some gardening. We will be planting some seeds and plants, as it is the good moon!
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