The woman in the scanner of the agricultural department saw "two round things". I said they are tennis balls but she made me open the bag... Well, I was trying to get back home two white sapote fruits but sadly enough they ended up in the trash... what a waste... She said they could have fruit flies in them... seems a little bit paranoid but what can we do. At least I could take with me the already peeled and cubed papaya to eat on the plane!

Lo siento Ferna... quería darte una sorpresa pero terminaron en la basura...

El departamento de agricultura somete a un visionado especial por escáner al equipaje que vas a facturar antes de marchar de Hawai. Entre otros motivos, parece que se trata de una lucha contra la mosca de la fruta. En vez de tirarlos a la papelera, podrían repartirlos o hacer algo más provechoso con todo lo que reclutan.