Leaving Maui today. Woke at 4.30 am to pack and go for a pre-dawn walk, went to yoga class and ate a super papaya breakfast with Ealarael. I saw humpback whales jumping out of the water on my way to the airport and it was a super pleasant flight. Now in San Francisco for a brief stopover before I embark on a 3 plane-18 h pilgrimage back home. Back to my spanish gulch!
Hoy ha empezado mi peregrinaje de vuelta para casa. Última clase de yoga por la mañana y de camino al aeropuerto ballenas jorobadas saltando super cerca de la costa. Parecía como hecho a propósito.

This is were I was living: the bay at Haumana Road.
Vista aérea de donde he estado viviendo. A esta cala solía venir a menudo por la mañana.

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