For dinner, Jessica prepared an uplifting Raw Thai Green Curry that we ate with green papaya salad. The garnish is edible chive flowers. Green papaya is peeled, cut in slices and shredded using a food processor. We enjoyed the company of Stephan and Doryl (his mum) that own the farm. They were both really charming and we had nice conversation. Thanks for this great evening.
Para cenar, Jessica preparó una ensalada de papaya verde con salsa de curry picante.

Ingredients for curry:
-young coconut meat
-juice from grated ginger & turmeric (squeeze out with a cheesecloth or press)
-lime juice
Ingredientes para el curry: (Batir ingredientes hasta tomar la consistencia que se quiera)
- coco
- jenjibre y turmérico (rallar y extraer jugo)
- zumo de lima
- albahaca
- ajete
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