Rollinia and jamaican passionfruit were definitely my favourites. Not wearing a camera myself, pictures are limited... sorry.

Head sized pomelo. Pomelos grandes como tu cabeza.

We ate exotic warm fruits straight from the tree: papaya, rollinia, jamaican passionfruit, rambutan, mango.... Most of the durian trees were bearing fruits but they were not ready yet. They say in Asia many people get injured or even die each year because of durian falling ... you can understand why...
We wanted to do a yoga lesson in exchange of all this great presents but no one seemed in the mood for that the next morning, so we left early as we had a long road back ahead.
Comimos una buena variedad de frutas exóticas, templadas y directamente del árbol: papaya, rollinia, fruta de la pasión jamaicana, rambutan, mango... También abundaban árboles del famoso durian (diferentes variedades), pero todavía no estaban maduros...
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