

Raw vegan dinner

Para inspiraros en estos días festivos.... ojete con los vicios !

Inspiring raw vegan dishes at another Maui fruitarian potluck on sunday. We are planning to meet again for New Year´s Eve.

Rollitos de hoja de hibiscus (relleno: maiz, zanahoria y calabacín rallado, cebollino picado, limón y comino).

Edible hibiscus leaf rolls (filling: corn, grated carrot, zucchini, chives, lemon & cumin powder).

Para hacer "Tacos" vegetales. Veggie tacos by Jesse.

Sólo verla alimenta... acompañada con aliño de macadamia-zumo naranja.

Dave´s salad accompanied by macadamia-orange juice dressing. All veggies from Kula farmer´s market... heavenly natural!

Ensalada festiva (col roja y blanca, aguacate, lima, flores de violeta y capuchina...).

Festive coleslaw salad by Vicki (white & red cabbage, avocado dressing and beautiful viola & capuccine flowers..)

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